Found 8 cards tagged #Christmas:
A golden Christmas card with the inscription "Ho Ho Ho" of the classic Santa's laughter. Made of craft paper and cardstock, as well as various golden washi tapes.
Christmas card with a Christmas tree design made of strips of different types of green, cream and golden handmade paper with various textures.
Christmas card with a Christmas tree design made of strips of different types of red, cream and golden handmade paper with various textures.
Minimalistic Christmas card with tree design in white and gold and writing "Merry Christmas". Made of craft cardstock and vellum, handmade paper.
Rich in traditional colors of green, red and gold with an accent on the classical Christmas wreath. Includes handmade Indian and nacre paper.
Delicate design of a pearlescent snowflake on a contrasting background with a festive red ribbon.
Beautiful and intricate golden and beige overlapping snowflakes that remind of the frost drawings on the window. Made on pearlescent cardstock base.
Christmas edition of rustic cards. This card depicts a deer's head on a brown and golden background. This design includes many types of varios handmade paper and pearlescent cardstock.