Found 20 cards tagged #Golden:
A golden Christmas card with the inscription "Ho Ho Ho" of the classic Santa's laughter. Made of craft paper and cardstock, as well as various golden washi tapes.
Delicate design for a heartfelt gratitude. Made of several kinds of handmade paper, ribbons and with a writing saying "Thanks".
Minimalistic card for any occasion with a golden branch on the pearlescent red and marble background.
Simplistic card in autumn colors with the focus on different patterns and textures of the handmade nacre and Indian paper with a golden ribbon.
Something gentle to all the gentle souls of this world! Happy birthday to all of you! The card is folded and has space inside where you can write your personal message. Order it today for someone special to you!
Minimalistic card for any occasion, but especially suitable for weddings with its pearlescent craft cardstock and golden flower design.
Christmas card with a Christmas tree design made of strips of different types of green, cream and golden handmade paper with various textures.
Christmas card with a Christmas tree design made of strips of different types of red, cream and golden handmade paper with various textures.
Minimalistic Christmas card with tree design in white and gold and writing "Merry Christmas". Made of craft cardstock and vellum, handmade paper.
A bright violet card, full of contrast with a flower design, bow and glitter, as well as an inscription saying "I'm here for you". Made from rice and other craft paper, ribbons, glitter and acetate.