Found 20 cards tagged #Golden:
A bright colorful card, full of contrast with golden flower detail and an elevated inscription saying 'For You', which can be used for various occasions. Made from handmade rice paper and craft cardstock.
Delicate, but vibrant summerly card with a contrasting golden butterfly design . Made from various craft paper and ribbons.
Beautiful card for couples to celebrate the notion that sometimes people just fit. Made of craft paper and vellum with a golden writing saying "You're my Missing Piece" and a puzzle design missing a piece.
Minimalistic both in style and colors card addressing gratitude within the relationships and acknowledging the need to appreciate what the other person does to keep us whole. Made of craft paper and vellum with golden lettering saying "Thanks for keeping me together" and a puzzle piece detail.
Delicate card with a heart-shaped design made of different types of craft paper and vellum. Made on mint pearlescent cardstock base.
Minimalistic card in golden shades with accent on different types of golden craft paper and cardstock. Made on pearlescent cardstock base.
Rich in traditional colors of green, red and gold with an accent on the classical Christmas wreath. Includes handmade Indian and nacre paper.
Beautiful and intricate golden and beige overlapping snowflakes that remind of the frost drawings on the window. Made on pearlescent cardstock base.
Christmas edition of rustic cards. This card depicts a deer's head on a brown and golden background. This design includes many types of varios handmade paper and pearlescent cardstock.
Minimalistic autumn card in warm colors with a real ginkgo or other leaves and handmade paper with golden flakes.